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National conference of women`s council of the New Azerbaijan Party held

National conference of women`s council of the New Azerbaijan Party was held on May 24. Opening the event, chairman off the YAP Women`s Council Nurlana Aliyeva provided information about the outstanding tasks.

She noted that enhancement of the role of women in the political life of Azerbaijan. She told of the work done in the past period, protection of women`s rights, their rising activity.

She pointed out that First Lady of Azerbaijan, President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, UNESCO and ISESCO goodwill ambassador Mehriban Aliyeva is an example of justice, humanity, charity and other human principles. National leader Heydar Aliyev gave high evaluation to women during all periods of his rule. President Ilham Aliyev continues this policy.

MM deputy speaker Bahar Muradova the life of the country changed over the past five years. According to her, women made contributions to the state building rocesses.

Chairperson of the state committee on problmems of family and children, YAP Political council member Hicran Huseynova said that the activity of women brought successes to the party. According to her, the number and role of women in all spheres is rising. She said appointment of women as deputies head of executivie authorities is indicator of the president`s care for women.

MP, YAP Political Council member Malahat Ibrahimgizi told of the role and place of women in the society. According to her, women worthily coped with all responsibilities and duties they took upon themselves.

Speaking at the conference, YAP Deputy Chairman, Executive Secretary, Deputy Prime Minister Ali Ahmadov praised the activity the YAP Women`s Council over the past five years.

“Women played an exceptional role in increasing prestige of Azerbaijan and its development. Today, women support President Ilham Aliyev`s continuation of the political course established by national leader ,” he said.

According to him, women contributed much to development of democracy in the country and were active in parliamentary and presidential elections.

Ali Ahmadov said that women constitute 30 percent of municipalities in Azerbaijan. He thanked women for their constructive position and acitivty in the public life.

Then, 24 members of the board and 59 members of the council member were elected. The Council and Board members included YAP Deputy Chairman Mehriban Aliyeva, president`s assistant, chief of the presidential secretariat Dilara Seyidzadeh, MM Deputy Chairman Bahar Muradova, Chairman of the State commission on student admission Maleyka Abbaszade, chairman off the state committee on women, children and family problems Hijran Huseynova, Rector of the Azerbaijan Teachers Institute Agiya Nakhchivanly and others.

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