President Ilham Aliyev: Azerbaijan is strongly committed to its democratic development

“Azerbaijan is strongly committed to its democratic development. All the freedoms are fully provided in Azerbaijan – freedom of political activity, freedom of media, freedom of assembly, religious freedom, we have free Internet,” President Ilham Aliyev has told an official opening ceremony of the 48th Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors of the Asian Development Bank.
“The number of Internet users is growing day by day, and now it is more than 70 percent. Our government is actively investing in the modern technologies, ICT. We are now bringing broadband Internet to every village of Azerbaijan.”
The head of state said: “This shows our intentions. We clearly realize that without a political transformation, without modern system of governance we will not be able to achieve success. Therefore, political, economic reforms are implemented in parallel. We started the policy of attracting foreign investments because we didn’t have financial resources and that was how Azerbaijan became known again in the end of the 20th century as a country famous for oil and gas.”