Issue of Azerbaijani hostages discussed during winter session of OSCE PA

The issue of Azerbaijani hostages taken by Armenians Dilgam Asgarov and Shahbaz Guliyev was raised during the winter session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the OSCE in Vienna.
The issue was presented by the head of the Azerbaijani delegation in OSCE PA, Bahar Muradova.
Mrs. Muradova recalled Baku Declaration adopted during the 23rd session of OSCE PA, stressing the importance of implementation of this document for ensuring the security in OSCE region.
During her speech, B.Muradova noted that Azerbaijanis D.Asgarov and S.Guliyev were taken hostage when they tried to visit the graves of their relatives in Kalbajar.
Bahar Muradova asked a question to Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic: "What could you do for releasing Azerbaijani hostages as the Chairman of the OSCE PA. What sanctions can be taken against the separatists who have violated the rights of Azerbaijanis to visit their homes?" she added.
OSCE chairman, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic stressed he would pay a visit to the region during his tenure. Ivica Dacic said Nagorno-Karabakh issue should be in the focus. The Chairman added Minsk Group engaged with this issues stressing he would try to increasing the activity of the Group.