Non-Alignment Movement Ministerial Conference of Science, Technology and Innovation to be held in Tehran

The Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, in its capacity as Chair of the NAM will hold the ‘Ministerial Conference on Science and Technology of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM)’, which is scheduled to take place in Tehran on 22-24 Feb. 2015 under the theme: ‘Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development’. It will be preceded by a Senior Officials Meeting on 21 Feb. 2015.
The Conference will take place in exercise of paragraph 22.15 of the Final Document of the NAM XVI Summit, Tehran, held on 30-31 Aug. 2012, which “encourages the interaction of the Ministers responsible for portfolios of relevance to the Movement … with the aim of enhancing the effectiveness of the Movement and increasing the cooperation among its Member Countries…" The proposal of I. R. of Iran to hold this conference on science, innovation and technology was indorsed by the NAM Conference of Foreign Ministers on 28-29 may 2014 in Algiers, Algeria (Paragraph 534 of NAM Final Document).