UK Government – no recognition for so-called ‘Nagorno-Karabakh Republic’ or its ‘court’

In response to a Parliamentary Question by Lord Kilclooney, Foreign Office Minister of State Baroness Anelay of St Johns has stated that the UK government “does not recognize the ‘so-called’ Nagorno Karabakh Republic”.
Lord Kilclooney’s question was about the fate of two Azerbaijani civilians (Shahbaz Guliyev and Dilgan Asgerov) who were ambushed and captured by Armenian armed forces whilst trying to tend the graves of their relatives in the occupied territories.
As well as dismissing the ‘NK Republic’ Baroness Anelay also stated that the British government “does not recognize the legal framework of the Court proceedings in question”.
The Minister of State also said that the British government had raised the fate of the two hostages with the International Committee of the Red Cross.