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Azerbaijani diplomat appointed to high position at UN

An Azerbaijani diplomat Sultan Hajiyev has been appointed for one of the key positions of the United Nations Development Programme - the Head of the Regional UNDP Office in Kurdistan (Iraq).

Sultan Hajiyev is one of the highest-ranked Azeri staff members working for the United Nations. He is known as successful crises manager. His record includes Kyrgyzstan during the revolution of April of 2010 and ethnic clashes in the south of the country during the summer of the same year, Afghanistan, Yemen and South Sudan. Hajiyev already has experience of having worked in Iraq – he was assigned to this country earlier from his position of UNDP HQ Senior Advisor for complex emergency countries. Having started his career with the UN in Azerbaijan in 1994, Hajiyev has been one of the founders of the close cooperation between Azerbaijan and UNDP on e-governance. This partnership is still considered to be one of the best practices of cooperation between a government and international organization in this area.

It should be mentioned that Hajiyev, who has several years’ worth of experience at UNDP HQ in New York is one of the active supporters of promoting successful examples of Azerbaijan’s good governance efforts as an example for countries facing similar development challenges.

Cooperation between Azerbaijan and Afghanistan is one of the best samples of such a partnership, and Hajiyev has promoted it actively during his assignment in Afghanistan as Chief Capacity Development Advisor of UNDP. The Azerbaijan International Development Agency (AIDA) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Ministry of Communication and High Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan have been the driving forces behind this initiative.

Azerbaijan’s experience in providing services to its population under ASAN service is yet another major area for cooperation, which UNDP has expressed its strong interest to replicate abroad.