“Jen Psaki has once again demonstrated the lack of professionalism using trite phrases not reflecting the reality in her both statements regarding Khadija Ismayilova within ten days”, Azer Gasimov

- Spokespersons of the U.S. Department of State and European Union, heads of the Council of Europe and PACE issued statements regarding Khadija Ismayilova’s case. We would like to know your opinion on the matter.
- I regard these statements and speeches made by representatives of some international organizations and the U.S. Department of State as a continuation of a biased and double-standard campaign conducted against Azerbaijan basing on no facts or reality.
European officials are trying to distract the international community`s attention from their problems as violation of human rights, racial discrimination, fascist tendencies increased and attacks against multiculturalism intensified in Europe that is suffering from economic crisis.
As for the speech by the U.S. State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki, I would like to draw attention to her answers to the questions about Khadija Ismailova. She has once again demonstrated the lack of professionalism using trite phrases not reflecting the reality in her both statements within ten days. I urge the U.S. State Department to focus its attention on apparent and flagrant violation of human rights and freedoms, democratic principles in its country. We have recently witnessed terrible cases like racial confrontation, almost military operations against peaceful demonstrators defending their rights regarding Ferguson events, police’s suffocating a man to death at noon who didn’t show any resistance, and even police’s killing children and teenagers.
Answering your question about these issues last week, I said the situation of freedom of speech and opinion in the United States was far more terrible. Prosecution of mass media representatives in this country is becoming prevalent, journalists get arrested while doing their job, and law enforcement authorities maintain full control over the phone conversations of mass media employees and their correspondences on the Internet.
Along with all of these, the international community got aware of some horrific facts, which shocked the whole world, revealed by a document presented at the U.S. Senate. As can be seen from the report, the use of torture by U.S. special service bodies has been commonplace for years. Overlooking the violation of democracy and human rights in its own country, the U.S. Department of State is regularly presenting biased, false information to the international community by overstating any small events happening in some countries, including Azerbaijan.
I would like to reiterate that within a short period since gaining independence, Azerbaijan has attained great achievements in ensuring democracy and fundamental human rights, and the Azerbaijani Government will successfully continue these activities.