Azerbaijani PM visits Air Force military units

Under the instruction of President, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Ilham Aliyev, Prime Minister Artur Rasizade has visited several military units of the Air Forces.
The Premier reviewed the newly built and thoroughly repaired headquarters, buildings for combat duty, start-command station, military barracks, canteen for flight-technical staff and soldiers, bath-laundry-boiler complex, checkpoint, and square for line-up, the Defense Ministry said.
Defense Minister Zakir Hasanov underlined the works carried out for enhancing combat readiness of the Armed Forces, improving social conditions of personnel, strengthening the material-technical base as a result of the attention and care paid to the military build-up by the Head of State.
Meeting with the flight-technical personnel, Prime Minister Artur Rasizade expressed satisfaction with the work done at the air base, said that works in this direction will be continued in the future and appropriate measures would be taken for the solution of the social conditions of personnel.