Armenians violated ceasefire with Azerbaijan 71 times throughout the day
The situation on the contact line between Azerbaijan and Armenia has become tense as the Armenian Armed Forces shattered ceasefire a total of 71 times throughout the day, Azerbaijan`s Defence Ministry said.
The ceasefire was violated in Gizilhajili, Kemerli and Gushchuayrim villages and nameless hills of Gazakh region, Kohnagishlag village of Agstafa region, Alibayli village of Tovuz region, nameless hills of Gadabay region, Merzili, Yusifjanli, Shuraabad, Bash Garvand, Sarijali, Garagashli, Javahirli and Kengerli villages of Aghdam region, Chilaburt, Goyarkh and Gizil Oba villages of Terter region, Horadiz, Ashagi Veysalli, Ashagi Seyidahmadli and Ashagi Abdurrahmanli villages of Fuzuli region, Gulustan village of Goranboy region, Mehdili village of Jabrayil region and nameless hills of Khojavend and Goygol regions on July 31 and on the night of August 1.
The Armenians were silenced with a retail fire, the Defence Ministry said.