Azerbaijan serves as example for CIS – Zhirinovsky

Vladimir Zhirinovsky, the leader of the LDPR, said on Vesti 24 TV yesterday that Russian media should stop focusing on coverage of negative events abroad, especially in Ukraine, and should make more reports about positive developments in friendly countries, such as Azerbaijan. In his words, Azerbaijan was developing villages, building new complexes, including sports facilities. Zhirinovsky explained that the success of Azerbaijan was a result of its leader Ilham Aliyev and his father Heydar Aliyev.
Zhirinovsky emphasized that Azerbaijan was a lot friendlier to Russia than many other post-Soviet countries. He said that Moldova and Georgia were taking the Western course and had signed the EU Association Agreements. In his words, Azerbaijan could join the Customs Union. The lawmaker noted that Azerbaijani leadership had good ties with Leonid Slutsky, the head of the Russian Duma Committee for the CIS. Cooperating with Azerbaijan will help Russia improve relations with Turkey and Iran.
The LDPR leader condemned media for not paying enough attention to Azerbaijan and Ilham Aliyev. He reminded that Azerbaijan had 400 Russian schools, more than in Ukraine, and not a single one has been closed. Moreover, Baku has a Russian theater and a university.