OSCE PA adopts Baku Declaration

Baku Declaration has been adopted within the 23rd session of the OSCE PA in Azerbaijan’s capital.
The document says that taking measures to resolve conflicts in the OSCE area, achieving progress in the resolution of these conflicts through negotiations and peaceful means, as well as according to the Charter of the United Nations, OSCE Helsinki Final Act and international law are one of the main tasks of the OSCE. It emphasizes the importance of inviolability of the OSCE member states’ borders and respect for the principles of territorial integrity, as reflected in the Helsinki Final Act. It calls for taking new measures to stop illegal arms trade that is widespread in the conflict zones, causing the death of a large numbers of people, including civilians each year.
The document expresses concern over the tendencies of using information and communication technologies as well as internet and social networks for terror-related purposes, calls for terrorism and their funding. The OSCE member countries are called on to take necessary measures in order to prevent the use of information and communication technologies as well as internet and social networks for terrorist purposes and to ensure the compliance of these measures with the national and international law and the political commitments undertaken within the OSCE.
The declaration focuses on the Ukrainian crisis as well. The document expresses support for the territorial integrity and independence of Ukraine and urges the OSCE member countries to support Ukraine’s territorial integrity in the international platforms.
The Baku Declaration also pays attention to the issues of cyber security, continuation of cooperation with Afghanistan, protection and promotion of the socio-economic rights in the OSCE region, food safety, immigration matters, states of refugees and internally displaced persons, protection of cultural property, the fight against torture and others.