President Ilham Aliyev attended the opening of the Plenary Session of the 23rd Annual Session of the OSCE PA
The opening of the Plenary Session of the 23rd Annual Session of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly entitled “Helsinki +40: Towards Human Security for All” has taken place in Baku on June 28.
President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev attended the event.
The head of state first viewed photos reflecting the activities of the OSCE in 2011-2014. The photos particularly highlighted Azerbaijan`s activities in the organization.
Then the opening of the Plenary Session of the 23rd Annual Session of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly took place.
President of the OSCE PA Ranko Krivokapic declared the Plenary Session open. He thanked Azerbaijan and President Ilham Aliyev for high-level organization of this important event.
President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev addressed the Plenary Session.