Azerbaijan government consistently supports development of agriculture

Q: Socio-economic field in Azerbaijan is developing in a consistent and competitive manner. How would you explain success of this policy?
A: Well-considered economic policy is one of the major factors behind improving welfare of the citizens of the country. One can say with full confidence that strategic policy founded by national leader Heydar Aliyev and successfully continued by President Ilham Aliyev is the major factor behind Azerbaijan`s success. As a result of this policy Azerbaijan today enjoys growing prestige on the international scene, with the number of the country`s partners increasingly growing.
Azerbaijan is today one of the fastest growing economies of the world. Agriculture, tourism, information and communication technologies, processing industry are considered to be basic priority areas in the development of non-oil sector in Azerbaijan.
What was began by national leader Heydar Aliyev is today being successfully continued by his worthy successor, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.
The reforms carried out in Azerbaijan and the sound policies have given an impetus to the comprehensive development of our country. Today Azerbaijan is looking to the future with very high hopes and optimism. The key to this is our economic independence, our economic strength and political will.
In addition to economic growth, the government is pursuing an effective social policy. Representatives of all layers of the society are embraced with government care. Continuous work has been done to strengthen the social security of the population and improve material welfare of the citizens.
As a result of the implementation of state programs, industrial production has grown 2.7 times. Whereas in the first years of the program our economy and industry grew largely on the account of the oil sector, the successful development of our country in recent years has been provided by the non-oil sector.
Q: The government of Azerbaijan attaches great attention to the development of the agrarian sector. How do you assess reforms and measures taken in the last year to ensure the development of agriculture?
A: Agriculture is developing at a rapid pace in Azerbaijan. Considerable reforms have been carried out in order to develop agriculture and build necessary infrastructure in the country`s districts. Agriculture is the third largest sector of Azerbaijan`s economy after oil and construction. This sector contributes to reducing poverty in remote villages. The oil factor still accounts for a large share of our economy. Despite the fact that the share of the non-oil sector in our gross domestic product already exceeds 55 per cent, most of our export potential is linked to oil and gas.
Thanks to government attention and support the agricultural production has increased in the country. Successful agricultural policy and dynamic development, wide and purposeful measures taken for the establishment of new vacancies will serve to change the appearance of the villages, increase the agricultural showings and speed-up development of the social-economic development.
Q: What about the measures towards ensuring food security?
A: Important measures are taken to ensure food security in Azerbaijan. The government of Azerbaijan attaches a particular importance to development of the non-oil sector. President Ilham Aliyev signs orders and gives his recommendations concerning the development of the sector. In his speeches, the President has repeatedly said developing the non-oil sector and ensuring food security was an important task to be fulfilled.
National leader Heydar Aliyev approved a state program in order to ensure food security of Azerbaijan. This program was successfully implemented.
Several years ago President Ilham Aliyev signed an executive order to approve the second state program on food security. This program, which covers the years 2008-2015, highlights important issues related to ensuring food security in Azerbaijan. Tasks stipulated in the program are being successfully fulfilled. The State Program is considered to be the most important document on development of the agricultural sector and provision of food security. Following the adoption of the program in order to ensure the implementation of measures the budget expenditure on agriculture was increased significantly.
The main directions of state policy is also focused on that the domestic market to be less dependent on imports of food and maximum measures should be implemented for the establishment of food resource.