There is highly intellectual young generation in Azerbaijan

Q: What is youth`s contribution to intellectual development of the society?
A: Mobilizing intellectual resources of the society is one of the strategic priorities in Azerbaijan. The government pays particular importance to this issue, particularly increasing effectiveness of public administration, improving scientific organization, developing science and education, increasing youth`s socio-political and scientific activity, founding relevant foundations and institute, and etc.
Human resources development occupies a critical place here. In Azerbaijan, human resources development is carried out on a systematic base with national interests taken into account.We can clearly see this in opportunities created for youth in the country. As President Ilham Aliyev says the government of Azerbaijan chose the path of transforming black gold into human capital.
There is highly intellectual young generation in Azerbaijan. And the youth is making tremendous contribution to intellectual development of the society.
Q: How do you asses the government`s youth policy?
A: Azerbaijan is conducting a successful youth policy. The foundations of this policy were laid by national leader Heydar Aliyev, and it is today successfully continued by President Ilham Aliyev. This policy is today entering a qualitatively new stage. Major priorities of this policy include strengthening the government support of youth. Over the last few years considerable job has been done in the country to create opportunities for development of youth. The Azerbaijani youth are actively participating in all spheres of life in the country.
In 1996 the national leader initiated the first forum of Azerbaijani youth, which he personally attended. A year later, national leader Heydar Aliyev signed an Executive Order declaring the day that the forum was held – February 2 – as the Day of Youth in Azerbaijan.
This policy is being successfully continued by President Ilham Aliyev. The Head of State approved the State Program of the Azerbaijani Youth for 2005-2009. The Program is aimed at ensuring social security of the youth, encouraging their employment, stimulating creative their search, preserving national and moral values, strengthening patriotic moods in them, and promoting healthy lifestyle.
President Ilham Aliyev declared 2007 as the Year of Youth in Azerbaijan. The President approved the 2007-2015 State Program for the education of the Azerbaijani youth abroad, and 2001-2015 State Program for the Azerbaijani Youth.
A total of 5,000 Azerbaijanis have been sent to leading universities abroad under the 2007-2015 State Program for the education of the Azerbaijani youth abroad.
In 2011, the Head of State signed an Executive Order setting up the Youth Foundation under the Ministry of Youth and Sport of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Q: What youth-related issues are featured in Development Concept “Azerbaijan - 2020: Outlook for the Future”?
A: In order to ensure a healthy and active lifestyle for the Azerbaijani youth and theirintegration into society, a strategy for the development of the Azerbaijani youth in 2013-2020, a national strategy for the development of physical training and sports in 2012-2020and a state programme covering 2013-2016 will be prepared and implemented.
The legislative base in this sphere will be constantly updated, advisory councils of
young people will be set up under heads of the executive authorities in districts (cities) tosupport the systemic development of physical training and sports, and local municipalbodies will be actively involved in organizing, conducting and developing the physicaltraining and sports business.
In order to meet the demand of young people and young families for housing, the
terms of social mortgages will improve and reaction and training centres will be opened foryoung people with limited physical abilities.
The network of information and counselling services for young people, especially
those living in remote and rural areas will be expanded. In order to develop the workingskills of the younger generation and to ensure that young people quickly learn labour andeconomic issues, effective forms and methods will be implemented.
Young specialists whograduate from Azerbaijani and foreign institutions of education will be encouraged to workin regions of Azerbaijan, and in this connection, additional social mechanisms (rise inallowances and wages, allocation of service apartments, etc.) will be created and applied.
Q: The 4th Baku International Humanitarian Forum has recently been held in our capital. We would like to learn you opinion on the results of the event.
A: Over the course of three years, Baku has become an important meeting place for people of different civilizations, different nationalities, different views of the world.
The authority of this major international event is growing every year. This time too, the forum held under the patronage of the heads of state of Russia and Azerbaijan brings together prominent politicians, scientists and intellectuals from dozens of countries.
I am convinced that the meaningful and useful discussions to be held during the forum, the new ideas and initiatives will be implemented through real projects and contribute to trust, mutual understanding and good neighborly relations between peoples.