Europe should be guided by the values it champions for and the principle of the rule of law, and should avoid double standards

Q: As we know Catherine Ashton, High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs & Security Policy Douse standards, and Stefan Fule, European Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood, as well as some foreign human rights organizations have again alleged that human rights are violated in Azerbaijan. The society in our country considers this attitude a subjective and biased double-standard approach. We would like you to comment on this?
A: The attitude of Catherine Ashton, High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs & Security Policy Douse standards, and Stefan Fule, European Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood, as well as some foreign human rights organizations are certainly biased and subjective. Certain comments are being made on the situation with human rights in former Soviet republics. And in the case of Azerbaijan we can clearly see that there is biased and subjective attitude against our country. In fact, such statements show how much Europe, the West are far from reality. And the reason is that European countries are influenced by the Armenian lobby and pro-Armenian circles. Europe is guided by the Armenian-lobby`s propaganda against Azerbaijan. This has rightly caused discontent in the Azerbaijani society. Europe should be guided by the values it champions for and the principle of the rule of law, and should avoid double standards. And this is a great blow to the image of Europe itself.
Q: Azerbaijan is a constitutional state, and everybody is equal before the law. So relevant bodies take necessary measure to protect public order and prevent illegal actions. But why is Europe concerned about the efforts to ensure the rule of law?
A: You know, Europe, the West have always cried about human rights and democratic values. But in some cases what we see is biased and subjective attitude. This is caused by distortion of realities of Azerbaijan. Another reason is that these countries and international organizations use uncertain, unreliable sources of information. Azerbaijan`s realities are delivered to the world community.
The Armenian lobby and pro-Armenian circles are spreading false, distorted information about Azerbaijan. The government of Azerbaijan is doing great job to prevent this, and increase the world community`s awareness of the country`s realities.
I would like to advice our law enforcement bodies to regularly update the society about separate law violation cases, attempts to disturbing public order. This will help to prevent the spread of false information about the situation in our country.
Q: The number of human rights violations in Western and European countries is increasing. But why do international organizations give proper reaction to this?
A: There are cases of serious violation of democratic principles and human rights and freedoms in Europe, and Western countries. But unfortunately there is a double standard approach to some cases. Sometimes, these cases are used to exert pressure on certain countries. It is injustice to accuse Azerbaijan of not respecting human rights and freedoms. And those who accuse Azerbaijan themselves have never respected human rights or democratic values.
Q: And why do European and Western organizations do not react to Armenia`s aggression against Azerbaijan, particularly its military aggression against our country and violation of rights and freedoms of over one million of our fellow countrymen?
A: Instead of making ungrounded accusations against Azerbaijan, European and Western organizations should urge Armenia to fulfill the resolutions of international organizations, withdraw from Azerbaijan`s occupied lands. They should pay attention to the violation of human rights and freedoms of over million Azerbaijani citizens when these organizations speak of the rule of law.
In today's world there is often selective approach in the implementation of international law. Some UNSC resolutions are fulfilled within a few hours, and some are not implemented for more than 20 years, as in the case of Azerbaijan.
Azerbaijan suffers from such a situation, for more than 20 years, twenty percent of internationally recognized territories of Azerbaijan are under Armenian occupation. Armenia ignores the UN Security Council resolutions, decisions of the Lisbon Summit of the OSCE, PACE and the European Parliament.
There have never been so many injustices and violations of law in any other similar situation. International norms are violated. No heed is being paid to the resolutions of other international organizations – the Council of Europe, the European Parliament, the OSCE, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. They are ignored. Thousands of Azerbaijani citizens have been killed. But at the end of the day Armenia is not faced with sanctions. Armenia flouts these resolutions and continues the occupation of a territory that does not belong to it both from a historical perspective and from the standpoint of international law.In essence, international sanctions should have been applied to Armenia long ago because Armenia has been occupying Azerbaijan’s internationally recognized territory for 20 years now. An act of genocide has been perpetrated against civilian population.This is an injustice, these are double standards! This is why we are speaking up in protest against double standards in international relations.