Summer School plays an immense role in educating the youth from political and intellectual points of view

Q: Mr. Huseynov, another Summer School project launched by the Youth Wing of the New Azerbaijan Party has recently ended. How would you assess this year`s project?
A: The New Azerbaijan Party attaches particular emphasis to increasing the youth`s political activity, ensuring effective organization of their leisure, expanding their international relations, and carrying out different projects in various areas. Today the youth play an active role in the country`s socio-political life.
One of its most successful youth-related projects, the New Azerbaijan Party launched in 2007. It is Summer School project, which is aimed to bringing the Azerbaijani youth closer to each other, promoting good relations among them, and increasing their awareness of the latest developments in the country`s socio-political life. Under the project, young people from different districts of the country have meetings with prominent politicians, experts and parliamentarians.
The project is part of the country`s youth policy, and is also aimed at developing leadership skills in youth. Summer School plays an immense role in educating the youth from political and intellectual points of view.
Youth make 40% of the New Azerbaijan Party, which is a vivid evidence of the youth`s political activity.
Under the project, we also organize different trainings, workshops, debates, interactive games and quizzes. These events focus on topical issues.
This year Summer School involved nearly 800 young people from the New Azerbaijan Party, who visited Oghuz and Lerik districts. They had meetings with prominent representatives of the New Azerbaijan Party, intellectuals, members of YAP Political Council.
Q: Please highlight YAP`s youth policy…
A: Youth are the future of Azerbaijan. They are the driving force behind the country`s development and modernization. Youth means new potential, power, modernization, development. In Azerbaijan, youth policy has always been an integral part of the state policy. The youth of Azerbaijan have always felt the care and attention of the government. They are playing more and more important role in the country`s socio-political life. Thanks to the government`s support the youth have now more confidence in their power and talents. They continue shining at international intellectual competitions and sport tournaments.
Q: The first half of 2014 marked success of Azerbaijan`s economy. How would you assess the current economic reforms in the country?
A: The first half of 2014 was very successful for Azerbaijan. In the first half of the year, our economic indicators were very positive - the economy had grown by 2.1 percent. Perhaps this may seem not so high compared to previous periods. But against the backdrop of the economic hardship in the world, I think this is a very good indicator. The most gratifying thing is - and I mention this with a sense of joy - our non-oil sector has been growing in recent years, and the growth here has been at a rate of 7 percent. Of course, this is also the result of the factors I mentioned, because if we hadn't channeled the oil capital into human capital and infrastructure projects, our non-oil sector could not grow so much. If we come across a recession, we could depend only on the oil factor. The funds being allocated and the reforms to be implemented in the coming years will strengthen the non-oil sector. And our economy will hit the 100 billion dollar mark in the next few years.
Q: How do you think what will be key priorities in the country`s budget policy?
A: Priorities of budget policy have been defined as sectoral modernization and diversification of economy, increase of affectivity and stability, improvement of investment environment, rising oil sector share and factual economy in tax incomes of the budget. Measures for promotion of social justice and improvement of living conditions of the people, reinforcement of energy potential, development of systems as water supply and sewage, construction of rural roads, development of agriculture and other directions have been offered as priorities.
Q: You said that the gross domestic product of Azerbaijan will hit $100 billion in the near future…
A: As President Ilham Aliyev said the rapid development rate will ensure two-fold growth of the country`s economy in the next decade.
Our major task is to make it into “the countries with high-level income group” until 2020. Real economic growth in Azerbaijan will make 5.2 % this year and GDP production will be AZN 58.569 bln under the market prices. GDP volume is projected at 59.4 billion manats (5.8 percent growth) in 2015, according to the socio-economic development concept of Azerbaijan, prepared by the Ministry of Economy and Industry.
Azerbaijan`s GDP currently makes 57 billion manats or 75 billion dollars. According to forecasts, the real GDP growth will reach 5.2 percent in 2014. In 2015, GDP is projected at 59.4 billion manats, which is 5.8 percent growth.
In 2016 - 63.1 billion manats (4.8 percent growth) and the country's GDP will reach 67.3 billion manats with six percent growth in 2017. The non-oil sector share in GDP will increase from 61.5 percent in 2014 to 72.4 percent in 2017. It is expected that in 2015 the non-oil sector share will hit 68 percent and - 71 percent of GDP in 2016.
In 2003, Azerbaijan was 108th in the world ranking in terms of GDP size and 154th for per capita GDP. But in 2013, the country ranked 69th and 78th respectively. We are very close to making it into the list of the world`s top 50 countries for the GDP size.