Our goal is to make Azerbaijan the developed social state

Q: Mr. Guliyev, how do you estimate the social situation in Azerbaijan in the first half of 2014?
A: Founded by national leader Heydar Aliyev, the policy of socio-economic development is being successfully continued by President Ilham Aliyev. The people of Azerbaijan have witnessed achievements in a number of spheres this year too.
Socially-oriented economic policy and flexible reforms carried out by President Ilham Aliyev have laid the foundations of successful implementation of the social state model in Azerbaijan. As a result social security system in Azerbaijan was remodeled on the basis of international standards.
Modern state model founded by national leader Heydar Aliyev is today being successfully continued by President Ilham Aliyev. Ilham Aliyev`s tenure since 20013 saw the country make considerable achievements in socio-economic, political and cultural fields.
President Ilham Aliyev has continued and even deepened social reforms. Considerable measures were taken to ensure improvement of labour relations. Either the minimum amount (basic part) of labour pensions during functioning of new system, either average monthly amount was significantly increased. During past 10 years of presidency of Ilham Aliyev, the social protection of the country's pensioners became much stronger:
And the results of the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers on the results of the country`s socio-economic policy in the first half of 2014 proved that the government of Azerbaijan is pursuing a wise, well-considered social development policy.
Q: How do the figures prove this development?
A: The successful development of our country was provided in the first half of the year. All the objectives on our agenda were successfully achieved. There are no outstanding issues. Underlying our success is a sound policy and stability. The reforms ongoing in the economic sphere also occupy an important place. Underlying our success is a sound policy and stability. The reforms ongoing in the economic sphere also occupy an important place. Population incomes have increased by 4.7 per cent, i.e. they exceed inflation three times. This is the most desired balance for any country. Unemployment has largely been eliminated and is at a very low level of five percent. Poverty was reduced from 49 to six percent.
Our strategic currency reserves exceeded 54 billion manats. A total of 11.5 billion US dollars was invested in Azerbaijan`s economy. In the first half of the year our economic indicators are also very positive – the economy has grown by 2.1 per cent. Social issues were the focus of attention in the first six months. The average salary was raised and now constitutes 440 manats or 560 dollars.
Q: What about the efforts to develop the non-oil sector in the first half of the year?
A: Azerbaijan`s non-oil sector has been growing in recent years, and the growth here has been at a rate of 7 per cent. As the President said at the cabinet meeting: “Of course, this is also a result of the factors I mentioned, because if we hadn’t channelled the oil capital into human capital and infrastructure projects, our non-oil sector could not grow so much. The funds being allocated and the reforms to be implemented in the coming years will lead to the fact that the non-oil sector will have even greater strength.”
One of the tasks set by the head of state is developing the human capital and preparing highly-competitive specialists and experts in Azerbaijan.
To achieve this the state program on the education of Azerbaijani youth abroad in 2007-2015 is being carried out. In addition important reforms are applied in the country` education system.
The information and communication technologies sector is another priority element in the government`s policy to develop the non-oil sector.
Q: We would like you to highlight the advantages of the compulsory medical insurance system, which is now being applied in the country?
A: In general, Azerbaijan`s healthcare system enjoys rapid development. Medical facilities open in all corners of the country. Medical insurance is widely applied across the world.
In order to ensure full protection of the population`s health, the cabinet of ministers decided to start the application of compulsory medical insurance. A special working group led by deputy prime minister Ali Ahmadov was set up to deal with this issue.
Q: What about the improvement of the targeted social aid program?
A: Social security of the population is among the key priorities fro the Azerbaijani government. The President has issued a lot of orders and decrees on this issue. We embarked on the targeted social aid program in 2007. But today this program needs to be amended in compliance with the requirements of the time.
Unfortunately, the program featured some shortages and subjective elements. But all problems were solved with the change of the leadership of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population, particularly the appointment of Salim Muslumov as the minister. Now work is underway to improve the program. One of the priorities is increasing the transparency in the implementation of the program. In order to achieve this, the contacts between ordinary people and state officials should be reduced to the minimum. I believe that the introduction of electronic services will play a crucial role here.
If needed the law on the targeted social aid can be reconsidered.