New Azerbaijan Party attaches great importance to youth-related projects

Q: The Youth Wing of the New Azerbaijan Party is conducting interesting projects. Summer School is one of them. What can you say of the importance of this project?
A:In the last few years our Youth Wing has become more active, we are launching new projects and conducting an effective work with youth. We are also expanding our foreign relations.
For example, we have been carrying out Summer School project since 2007. As usual this year`s Summer School will take place in beautiful parts of our country. It will be attended by more than 800 delegates.
Youth will stay in beautiful hotels, and all conditions will be created to ensure their leisure. Participants of the Summer School are usually visited by parliamentarians representing the New Azerbaijan Party, heads of MilliMajlis committees and government representatives.
Q: The New Azerbaijan Party attaches great importance to the development of youth. How would you assess the party`s youth policy?
A: The New Azerbaijan Party is the largest political organization not only in Azerbaijan, but in the whole South Caucasus region. At the same time the Party`s Youth Wing is the largest youth organization in Azerbaijan. In the last few years our Youth Union has become more active, we are launching new projects and conducting an effective work with youth. We are also expanding our foreign relations.
We constantly carry out special surveys among youth with the aim of knowing more about their problems and expand the application of democratic governance principles. Recently we have conducted such a survey aimed at improving our activities and increasing effectiveness of the work. And the results of the survey once again proved that the youth in our country believe in and are loyal to the ideas of national leader Heydar Aliyev and the policy of President Ilham Aliyev.
Q: How would you explain the fact that more and more youth are joining the party?
A: The New Azerbaijan Party today has 600,000 members, and enjoys strong support from the society. This is what helped YAP, led by national leader Heydar Aliyev, to have made outstanding achievements. And Azerbaijan`s achievements are definitely a product of YAP`s activities. Under YAP, Azerbaijan`s economy has been rapidly and steadily developing. And today the country`s economy is also developing under President Ilham Aliyev.
Youth make nearly 40 per cent of the party, which means 200,000 people. And, certainly, what attracts youth to the party is President Ilham Aliyev`s successful youth policy.
Q: How would you assess the country`s youth policy?
A:Azerbaijan is conducting a successful youth policy. The foundations of this policy were laid by national leader Heydar Aliyev, and it is today successfully continued by President Ilham Aliyev. This policy is today entering a qualitatively new stage. Major priorities of this policy include strengthening the government support of youth. Over the last few years considerable job has been done in the country to create opportunities for development of youth. The Azerbaijani youth are actively participating in all spheres of life in the country. Thanks to efforts of President Ilham Aliyev Azerbaijani youth are playing a key role in the country.
At present, Azerbaijani youth enjoys all opportunities of the state, including the country's opportunities abroad, as the citizens, in particular, young people are the main goal of state policy.
Today youth policy became an important integral part of state policy. Azerbaijani youth is distinguished with activity in all sectors of public life, play an important role in the implementation political, economic, humanitarian and social activities. As a result of the extensive opportunities created for young people by the state of society, this stratum has become a vanguard force of the society.