Our journalism plays the role of the bearer of the spirit of independence

Q: Our national press is celebrating its 139th anniversary. What have been the advantages of this age? What role does our press play in our life?
A: It is a fact that the origins of the Azerbaijani press coincide with the development of a public and national consciousness. The reason is that sections of the national press create this consciousness and its substructure. Global developments and revolutionary events taking place within the Russian empire from the middle of the 19th century did not bypass Azerbaijan. The process of a national-spiritual awakening began within the peoples of the empire.
If in Europe the creation of newspapers was conditioned by economic factors, in Azerbaijan the press played solely enlightening mission.
Our press remained loyal to its traditions under tough totalitarian regime. And it played the role of the driving force when Azerbaijan embarked on the path towards ensuring its second state independence.
Q: There were some personalities that were guiding Azerbaijan on its path…
A: One of them was Hasan bey Zardabi, the founder of the national press in Azerbaijan.
In the early 19th century, the Azerbaijani people began to expand cultural relations, not only with the Trans-Caucasian peoples but also with the people of Russia, Iran and other countries, and they had to struggle for many years to create their own national press.
It was the result of this struggle that in the second half of the 19th century a newspaper, ‘Ekinchi’ (Farmworker – ed.), appeared, which was connected to the destiny of the Azerbaijani people and which was to contribute significantly to their development and revival.
‘Ekinchi’ was the first national Azerbaijani-language newspaper. It first appeared in Baku on 22 July 1875. Undoubtedly, this very fact was a significant event in the public, political and spiritual life of the Azerbaijani people. The creation of a national newspaper is the strongest indication of the national existence of any people and is an important condition for progress and evolution. It is to Hasan bey Zardabi’s credit that he took the first practical step along this very difficult path.
Hasan bey was one of those prominent sons of the Azerbaijani people, a true patriot with a profound education, who had a complete grasp of the history and culture not only of Azerbaijan but of foreign countries, too.
Ali bey Huseynzade was the great personality of the Turkic world. Ahmad bey Aghaoghlu founded Difai organization and Irshad newspaper.
Q: Did the national press manage to remain loyal top its traditions during these 139 years?
A: You know, unfortunately, there are some objective and subjective reasons for which the situation with our press is not completely satisfactory today. But we cannot say that our press forgot Zardabi ideas and traditions. Our journalism plays the role of the bearer of the spirit of independence. Today`s press requires high professionalism and efficiency. The traditional press is today toughly challenged by online media. So it is a very tough question. However, the press in our country managed to establish itself as a public opinion institute.
Q: How would you assess the state of journalism in Azerbaijan in general?
A: Let`s look at this issue from two perspectives. First of all, we do not have journalism that we wished to have. We have a problem which is inability to speech foreign languages. If we want to integrate into the global media space our journalist should learn speaking and writing English. We also need to increase professional skills and knowledge of our journalists.
The government of Azerbaijan supports any initiative related to journalists. The main priorities here include the strengthening of the freedom of speech, consciousness, and expression.
The government adopted the Concept of State Support of the Development of the Mass Media. The State Fund for Support of the Development of the Mass Media was set up under the concept. The fund finances media projects and encourages journalists.
Q: How do you think what are the task currently facing the press in our country?
A: Number one priority is improving the living conditions of journalists. In this context I would call President Ilham Aliyev`s order to build an apartment building for journalists in Baku “a remarkable event”. Another building is being constructed now.
At the same time, I should note that in terms of democratic development our country is not behind any other country. Azerbaijan has secured freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of political activity, freedom of assembly and freedom of conscience.
The professionalism and responsibility of journalists and conveying accurate information are all very important questions.