State programs condition dynamic development of the regions

Q: Azerbaijan has been the focus of international attention recently. The country presides over the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, hosted OSCE PA session and NATO PA Rouz-Roth seminar. Can this be a confirmation of the fact that Azerbaijan has become the leading force in the region and considerably improved its international image?
A: One can say with full confidence that strategic policy founded by national leader Heydar Aliyev and successfully continued by President Ilham Aliyev is the major factor behind Azerbaijan`s success. As a result of this policy Azerbaijan today enjoys growing prestige ont eh international scene, with the number of the country`s partners increasingly growing.
Baku has recently hosted a number of high-profile international events. The country has always tried its best to organize these events at the highest level.
Azerbaijan is today the main guarantor of security in the South Caucasus. As you know in the modern stage security is measured not only by military and defence capabilities of countries. It`s about a whole complex of issues, including politics, economy and energy security.
Azerbaijan has pursued a independent policy for 23 years. The country has unique geographical location, which helps it to play the role of a geopolitical factor in terms of ensuring security of several regions.
Q: Well-considered economic policy is one of the major factors behind improving welfare of the citizens of the country. Is the country`s development concept is carried out in compliance with foreign policy?
A: What was began by national leader Heydar Aliyev is today being successfully continued by his worthy successor, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.
The reforms carried out in Azerbaijan and the sound policies have given an impetus to the comprehensive development of our country. Today Azerbaijan is looking to the future with very high hopes and optimism. The key to this is our economic independence, our economic strength and political will.
In addition to economic growth, the government is pursuing an effective social policy. Representatives of all layers of the society are embraced with government care. Continuous work has been done to strengthen the social security of the population and improve material welfare of the citizens.
As a result of the implementation of state programs, industrial production has grown 2.7 times. Whereas in the first years of the program our economy and industry grew largely on the account of the oil sector, the successful development of our country in recent years has been provided by the non-oil sector. It is no coincidence that last year non-oil sector growth made up almost 10 per cent. This is also one of the highest indicators in the world. Overall, the economy grew by nearly 6 per cent last year.
Of course, all these achievements are reflected in the statistics. The economy grew 3.4 times, industrial production 2.7 times, agriculture 1.5 times. The government has created 1.2 million jobs, of which 900,000 are permanent. Poverty has declined from nearly 50 to 5.3 per cent.
Q: How do you assess the role of the Year of Industry in the socio-economic development of the regions?
A: Over the last 10 years Azerbaijan has developed most rapidly in the world. The economy has grown 3.4 times. No other country has achieved such growth in the last 10 years. The main prerequisites for this are the reforms, the stability and public order observed in our country. Of course, stability and sound policies have created favorable conditions for the development of the economic sphere. In Azerbaijan, economic reforms are complemented by political transformation. There is consistency between these two areas. I think that from this point of view the experience of Azerbaijan can be of interest to other countries.
Over the last 10 years Azerbaijan has developed most rapidly in the world. The economy has grown 3.4 times. No other country has achieved such growth in the last 10 years. The main prerequisites for this are the reforms, the stability and public order observed in our country. Of course, stability and sound policies have created favorable conditions for the development of the economic sphere. In Azerbaijan, economic reforms are complemented by political transformation. There is consistency between these two areas. I think that from this point of view the experience of Azerbaijan can be of interest to other countries.
The economy grew by 2.5 per cent. The structure of our gross domestic product is also improving. Of course, the main indicator reflecting our economic development in recent years has been the performance of the non-oil sector. As was the case last year, we have managed to achieve rapid development in this area this year too. Last year, our non-oil sector grew by 10 per cent, while in the first quarter of this year by a further 8.8 per cent. Of course, this growth is a result of the reforms carried out in Azerbaijan in recent years. The policies conducted in the field of economy have brought about the present realities.
Q: Mr. Badamov, what about the development of agriculture?
A: There is a favorable situation for the development of agriculture in Azerbaijan.
Next phases of land reforms implemented as agrarian policy of Heydar Aliyev and continued at present by the President of the republic are dynamically deepening.
Decree of November 24, 2003 ‘On actions to accelerate socio-economic development in the Republic of Azerbaijan’ signed by President Ilham Aliyev inspired the development of agrarian sector too, provided suitable circumstances to those working in this field.
In 2003 President Ilham Aliyev signed a decree on additional measures for speeding up the country`s socio-economic development. A logical follow-up to this was the Head of State`s approving the State Program for socio-economic development of the regions for 2004-2008. This made a tremendous contribution to strengthening the regions` potential, including the improvement of infrastructure, construction of new enterprises and social facilities, and improvement of the population`s living standard.