National Salvation Day brought Azerbaijan renaissance, progress

Q: Mr Rahimzade, 21 years pass since the events of June 1993. We would like to know your opinion of those events…
A: The 1990s were very difficult for Azerbaijan and its people.
The people were infuriated by the territorial claims and aggressive acts of Armenia, backed by the then Soviet officials, against Azerbaijan, as well as by the anti-nationalist behavior of the local authorities. Azerbaijanis were being expelled from the land where they had lived for centuries. Since 1988 the national movement for liberty grew. Thousands of people protesting against the policy of the USSR held demonstrations all day long in the central square and the streets of Baku. On the night of 20 January a big contingent of the USSR Armed Forces was sent onto the streets of Baku. As a result, the Soviet Army committed a horrible crime against the Azerbaijani people. That night the Soviet Army displayed particular cruelty against the people.
Q: What problems did APF-Musavat rule mark for Azerbaijan?
A: The coming of this force to political power marked a new tragic page in the history of Azerbaijan. They robbed the country for over 13 months that they were at head of the republic. The country resources were sold out abroad. The country was drawn into political, social and moral chaos. The minister of internal affairs was illegally arresting people, and released more than 700 convicts without any trial. The president was unaware of what is going on in the country.
Q: And the Ganja events were a logical result of their activities…
A: In 1993 the country was on the verge of losing its independence and collapse. Although the Ganja event started two days ago nobody was aware of the real situation. The government was incapable of controlling the situation. The deputy ministers of security and internal affairs, prosecutor general and agriculture minister were apprehended in Ganja.
Under these circumstances, a group of YAP members gathered at the Institute of Electrotechnics to discuss the situation. We decided to send a group of our delegates to Ganja.
The situation was very critical. The death toll was rising. The representatives of the then government were trying to convince everyone that they are unaware of the situation. At the parliament`s session the president even refused to deliver a report on the situation in Ganja, saying he has no information. He tried to blame the minister of defence, saying he was controlling the entire military forces in the country.
And the most critical point was that the people lost any hope.
Q: How do you remember the return of national leader Heydar Aliyev?
A: In 1991-1993s, national leader Heydar Aliyev held the post of Chairman of the Supreme Majlis of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the Republic of Azerbaijan. In 1992, at the constituent congress of the New Azerbaijan Party in Nakhchivan, national leader Heydar Aliyev, was elected as the Chairman of the Party.
In May-June 1993, when, as the result of extreme tension of the governmental crisis, the country was at the verge of civil war and loss of independence, the people of Azerbaijan demanded to bring to power Heydar Aliyev. The then leaders of Azerbaijan were obliged to officially invite Heydar Aliyev to Baku. On 15 June 1993, national leader Heydar Aliyev was elected as the Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of Azerbaijan, and on 24 July - on resolution of the Milli Majlis, he managed to fulfill powers of the President of Azerbaijan Republic.
Return of national leader Heydar Aliyev in June 1993 was the conclusive point for Azerbaijan. The wise political leader prevented civil war and destroyed the plan of internal and foreign enemies concerning liquidation of Azerbaijan.
Q: What did Salvation Day give Azerbaijan?
A: The great merit of the president before our people and history was that he preserved the state system of Azerbaijan in the period of sharp geopolitical contradictions for owning of our lands and saved Azerbaijan from destruction. Preservation of the state means preservation of independence; means Salvation!
He proved himself as a president devoted to his oath and ready to die for the independence of his people and Motherland. Our people regained its self-reliance and high spirit, witnessed stability and peace.
As the great statesman Heydar Aliyev's second historical achievement was the stability. Genius politician, relying to his power and experience proved devotion to his words: "The state independence of Azerbaijan will be eternal, unbreakable and firm…" said the national leader.
Azerbaijan witnesses gradually rising respect and authority in the world. Azerbaijan is recognized as democratic, legal and secular state by the whole world. Our Constitution-the basic law, is the work of national leader Heydar Aliyev's mind and one of the most democratic and perfect Constitutions of the world. Carried out internal reforms and stability in our country positively affect the extension of the international relations. The Republic of Azerbaijan bases its foreign policy on the principles of equality and mutual interests. Thus it is an open country to all the countries of the world.