Heydar Aliyev ideas are the fundamental principles of Azerbaijan`s development

Q: Mr.Asgarov, the Azerbaijani people are celebrating the 21st anniversary of the National Salvation Day. We would like to learn your opinion of this historical day…
A: First of all, I would like to congratulate the people of Azerbaijan on the anniversary of the National Salvation Day. National leader Heydar Aliyev played a crucial role in ensuring today`s achievements of Azerbaijan, the people`s prosperity and the establishment of stability. The national leader had always served for the interest of the Azerbaijani state and people. He had tirelessly worked to ensure Azerbaijan`s territorial integrity, strengthen its independence, expand democracy, and improve the people`s welfare.
Q: How do you think what are the major highlights of the first period of national leader Heydar Aliyev`stenure as head of Azerbaijan?
A: National leader of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev is both the architect of independent Azerbaijan and the builder of the most stable and fastest growing economy in the world. A strong socio-economic base established by the National leader in mid-1990s is currently serving to the entire welfare of the Azerbaijani people and its bright future.
Having been elected at the Plenum of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan in July 1969 as the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan, Heydar Aliyev headed the Republic. In December 1982, Heydar Aliyev was elected as member of Politburo of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Soviet Union, and appointed First Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR and became one of the leaders of the USSR.
During the period of his leadership, Heydar Aliyev helped his native land Azerbaijan, the progress that he persistently strived towards, the rich culture, great historical past with which he was proud of, and on the coming generations on whom he was concerned, to overcome as a state heavy and sharp ordeals of time.
Being an outstanding politician and statesmen, indisputable leader of the nation, he was a live legend, and therefore the Heydar Aliyev phenomena always attracted attention, the admiration rising political activity of this nationwide leader of the Azerbaijanis of world was widely covered both in the Republican and world press.
His tenure as head of Azerbaijan in the 1970s-80s saw the development of all spheres of life, construction and improvement of the entire infrastructure.
Q: What can you say of the national leader`s human resources policy in the Soviet era?
A: In 1969-1982, national leader Heydar Aliyev created an army of strong specialists and cadres in various fields. He took large-scaled measures aimed at creating a strong human resources base and build highly-skilled cadres in socio-economic, military, scientific, cultural, political and other areas.
The national leader attached particular emphasis to education of Azerbaijani students abroad. In 1970, the number of Azerbaijanis getting education at foreign universities dramatically increased. More than 3,600 Azerbaijani students were sent to prestigious foreign universities to continue their education there.
Q: Please, highlight the second tenure of the national leader…
A: We all remember the first few months and years of our independence. Those were very difficult, tragic years. The government of the time did not have the strength to preserve the independence. At the same time, we lived in a time of war and military setbacks at the frontline certainly undermined our society a lot. But the new government which came to power in mid-1992 put our country in an even more deplorable situation. Due to its incompetence, lack of professionalism and treachery we were about to lose our independence.
The negative processes taking place in the country, crisis, economic recession and political instability dealt a major blow to our independence. Under such circumstances, the bright people of our society, intellectuals, people enjoying great respect rallied around great leader Heydar Aliyev and decided to establish the New Azerbaijan Party.
Wide-scale activities of national leader Heydar Aliyev in 1993-2003established necessary potential for rapid growth in Azerbaijan.
The national leader returned to Baku in 1993 when the country faced a threat of civil war. On June 9 Heydar Aliyev came to Baku. On June 15 he was unanimously elected chairman of the Parliament of Azerbaijan. On June 15 he was elected the chairman of the Azerbaijan Supreme Council, and on July 24 in accordance with the decision of the Milli Majlis the national leader became acting President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. This marked a turning point in the history of Azerbaijan`s statehood.
National leader Heydar Aliyev`s returning to power marked a turning point in the country`s political and economic life. Azerbaijan`s natural resources started to be used for the benefit of the country`s people. In 1994 Azerbaijan signed a ceasefire agreement with Armenia.
The national leader laid the foundations of Azerbaijan`s oil strategy. The country signed the Contract of the Century to attract foreign investments.
The signing of the Contract of the Century played a tremendous and invaluable role in Azerbaijan`s development. The Contract ensured rapid development for Azerbaijan, which is today the leader in the South Caucasus region.
The New Azerbaijan Party was founded at a very difficult time, when the country was on the verge of collapse and civil war. The national leader agreed to found the New Azerbaijan Party and become its chairman. And in a short period of time YAP earned people`s respect and admiration.
YAP reflected the interests of all citizens of the country. And this continues today, as the party is ruling the country being people`s party.
Q: How would you characterize Azerbaijan`s development in the past 21 years?
A: Azerbaijan is today one of the fastest growing economies of the world. Agriculture, tourism, information and communication technologies, processing industry are considered to be basic priority areas in the development of non-oil sector in Azerbaijan.
Azerbaijan is confidently moving forward towards democratic development. The country has a powerful army. Azerbaijan has strong and rapidly developing economy. It has ensured human rights and freedoms, and ensured its independence.
Azerbaijan is a country with a strong position in the region, our state is very strong. We are committed to democratic reforms and market economy. Today Azerbaijan enjoys great respect, our country plays a role not only in regional but also global affairs.