National leader Heydar Aliyev saved Azerbaijan from collapse to lead it to prosperity

Q: We are on the verge of June 15, the National Salvation Day. How would you assess the role of this remarkable event in Azerbaijan`s political history?
A: The Republic of Azerbaijan lived a complicated period of its history in the first days of independence. The desire of the Azerbaijani people to live in sovereign state, its connection to freedom ideals were against interests of enemy circles, which did not want its independence. They were using different diversions and other disgusting means for eliminating the nation from this way and destroying its belief in future. And in its turn, it was negatively affecting the socio-political situation in the republic.
The situation was made worse by internal crisis, mostly by intrigues with the then authorities of the country. There was not a single leader in the republic.
Under this circumstances the people of Azerbaijan made a historic decision to demand he return of national leader Heydar Aliyev, who then was chairman of the Supreme Majlis of the Autonomous Republic of Nakhchivan. Heydar Aliyev was the only leader capable of saving Azerbaijan from split and collapse. So national leader Heydar Aliyev returned to Baku on June 9, and was elected chairman of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan on June 15. The national leader used all his skills and love to his people to take the country out of chaos and save it from collapse and civil war.
Q: How would you describe the years 1993-2003 when national leader Heydar Aliyev was at the head of Azerbaijan?
A:National leader Heydar Aliyev was elected president of Azerbaijan of October 3, 1993. Thanks to his multifaceted activities the national leader ensured stability in the country, which embarked on the path of development. The national leader built an independent, constitutional and sovereign state. He ensured the strengthening of Azerbaijan`s international positions. And the signing of the Contract of the Century on September 20, 1994 ensured the country`s overall development.
Gradually Azerbaijan became a powerful country, having fully ensured its stability and security. Today Azerbaijan has rich energy resources, and is conducting an effective foreign policy. Azerbaijan is today considered a reliable partner on a global scale.
Q: Azerbaijan is today developing on the basis of ideas of national leader Heydar Aliyev. His policy is being successfully continued by President Ilham Aliyev. What can you say of Azerbaijan`s development at the current stage?
A: What was began by national leader Heydar Aliyev is today being successfully continued by his worthy successor, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.
The reforms carried out in Azerbaijan and the sound policies have given an impetus to the comprehensive development of our country. Today Azerbaijan is looking to the future with very high hopes and optimism. The key to this is our economic independence, our economic strength and political will.
In addition to economic growth, the government is pursuing an effective social policy. Representatives of all layers of the society are embraced with government care. Continuous work has been done to strengthen the social security of the population and improve material welfare of the citizens.
And most importantly, Azerbaijan is today a model of tolerance. Representatives of various religious, cultures and ethnicities are co-existing in peace and harmony in the country. This was praised by many world and religious leaders.
Great attention is paid to national and moral values in Azerbaijan. If there were only 17 mosques in the country before it regained its independence, there were more than 2,000 mosques in Azerbaijan as of December 2013. The number of churches, synagogues has also dramatically increased in the country. So Azerbaijan sets a model to other countries in terms of tolerance.