There is excellent government-NGO cooperation in Azerbaijan

Q: We would like you to assess government-NGO cooperation in Azerbaijan.
A: The government of Azerbaijan maintains close cooperation with the civil society in all areas of life. The government considers the non-governmental organizations as partners. The government of Azerbaijan supports the activities of NGOs. There is excellent government-NGO cooperation in Azerbaijan. All issues raised by NGOs are treated with special care by the Council of State Support to NGOs under the President of Azerbaijan. In general, the President of Azerbaijan has created a very effective mechanism of cooperation with NGOs.
Q: Can the activities of NGOs be considered satisfactory
A: We think that the public and financial investment made in NGOs is justifying itself. If we look back 7 or 8 years, we can see that NGOs have made considerable achievements. They are using the government sources. Their dependence on foreign sources has been dramatically reduced. When NGOs were dependent on foreign sources they never received grants for projects related to, for example, Azerbaijan`s territorial integrity, patriotism. Karabakh-related organizations were not receiving grants too. And the government supported allowed NGOs to strengthen their activities in these areas too. Funded by the government, NGOs are today doing an important job to protect Azerbaijan`s national interests abroad. NGOs now enjoy more confidence and trust thanks to government support. I think that it is a result of reforms and right decisions taken under President Ilham Aliyev in the past few years.
However, I would like to say that given the size of support we do not consider the activities of NGOs completely satisfactory. Much has to be done. NGOs should carry out reforms, they should ensure transparency, remain committed to democratic principles, timely submit their financial reports, etc.
As of April 1 1,695 NGOs did not submit their financial reports to the Ministry of Finance.
Q: How active are NGOs in promoting the truth about the Karabakh problem on the international scale?
A: The founding of the Council of State Support to NGOs under the President of Azerbaijan gave a major boost to activities on this front. For six years already our NGOs have been implementing projects aimed at protecting Azerbaijan`s national interests, increasing the international community`s awareness of Armenia`s aggression against Azerbaijan, the truth about the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, as well as the problem of refugees and internally displaced partners.
For example, last year the Council announced a grant program in 15 countries. The program envisaged for the protection of Azerbaijan`s interests abroad, support for Azerbaijan`s territorial integrity, promotion of the truth about the Khojaly genocide. And this work is already giving results. civil society enjoys much confidence worldwide. So from this point of view I consider the policy of the Azerbaijani leadership on this front very wise and far-sighted.
Q: Some international NGOs are biased against Azerbaijan, and their reports feature unfair points concerning our country. Take a recent report by Human Rights Watch, for example.
A: Unfortunately, some international organizations do not want to build cooperation with sound NGOs in Azerbaijan. they never use different sources while preparing their reports. They have a certain framework. They even add reports by Leyla Yunus to their ones without changing or checking its content. And this, of course, shows their prejudice and bias. A couple of years ago I proposed building cooperation with the Reporters Without Borders when I was visiting Berlin. They agreed and even say they would discuss the issue with the Human Rights Watch and the Freedom House. But, at the end of the day, they refused. I think it was a political order.
Some countries try to refer to these biased reports by these organizations to accuse Azerbaijan of human rights violations and other crimes, and try to undermine Azerbaijan`s international image.
What we have is a double standard approach. And this is a source of concern. But Azerbaijan will continue moving forward on the path towards development and protection of its national interests.
Q: Mr. Guliyev, Baku will soon host the summer session of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly. We would like you to highlight the importance of this event for Azerbaijan from a political point of view.
A: It will be a very remarkable political event. For the fist time since joining the OSCE 22 years ago we will host the annual session of its Parliamentary Assembly.
The 23rd Annual Session of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly will be held in Baku, Azerbaijan, 28 June - 2 July.
Hosted by the Milli Majlis of Azerbaijan, the Session will be held under the theme "Helsinki +40: Towards Human Security for All."
The largest event on the Assembly's calendar, the Annual Session will culminate in the adoption of the Baku Declaration, containing policy recommendations to the OSCE and its participating States in the fields of political affairs, security, economics, the environment and human rights. At the close of the Session, the Assembly will hold elections to its Bureau, choosing committee officers and several vice-presidents.
The session will bring together nearly 500 parliamentarians from 57 member states and 10 partner countries. A total of 1,500 delegates will arrive in Baku for the OSCE PA session.
The fact that such a high-profile political event will be held in Baku is a strong signal of Azerbaijan`s growing international prestige.
It also means that Azerbaijan is one of the active players in the OSCE.
The session will discuss the situation in Ukraine among other issues.
The OSCE is mediating the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. We have always criticized this mission as ineffective. So the Baku session will be another opportunity for Azerbaijani parliamentarians to express their voice on this issue.
In addition, the session will be a good opportunity for European parliamentarians to see development of Azerbaijan.