ICT has become one of the leading sectors of economy

Q: The people of Azerbaijan have recently marked the 91st anniversary of national leader Heydar Aliyev. What can you say of the national leader`s services to the people of Azerbaijan?
A: Azerbaijan suffered serious problems in the first years of independence. The fact that the country faced the threat of losing independence was coupled with the inexperienced government`s activity. National leader Heydar Aliyev returned to Nakhchivan on July 22, 1990.
It is not a secret that national leader Heydar Aliyev has always paid attention to development of Azerbaijani economy, As a result of this, national leader both as a leader during Soviet era and while ruling Azerbaijan always put priority on development of economy.
When Heydar Aliyev started leading Azerbaijan in 1969 Azerbaijan was one of the least developed republics. National leader set himself a goal of strengthening economic independence of Azerbaijan even within USSR. He managed to construct huge industrial complexes in the country.
Thus, national leader`s economic development strategy ensured free development of the country.
Of course, national leader Heydar Aliyev played an invaluable role in our centuries-long statehood history. His years in power - 1969-1989 - saw the strengthening of national spirit and national statehood idea.
"Economic independence is the essence of a nation`s political independence," national leader Heydar Aliyev said. He placed a particular importance on the country`s economic development during his both tenures as Azerbaijan`s leader. We can say with confidence that thanks to efforts of the national leader the years 1970-1980 marked radical socio-economic reforms in Azerbaijan, and the country, which was on the verge of collapse, overcame all difficulties.
Currently, Azerbaijan`s economic independence, expansion of the country`s foreign relations and integration into the world economy are based on potential, whose foundations were laid by Heydar Aliyev in 1970-80s.
Q: What achievements were made in communications and information technologies sector in the country under national leader Heydar Aliyev?
A: Thanks to tireless work of national leader Heydar Aliyev communications, electronic engineering, information technologies, and space research sectors were established in Azerbaijan. Many facilities and plans were established not only in Baku but also in Nakhchivan, Mingachevir, Ganja, Sumgayit, Tartar and Shirvan.
Thanks to personal help of national leader Heydar Aliyev the first large electronic calculating machine – BESM-6 was brought to Baku.
National leader Heydar Aliyev attached great importance to developing human resources and highly-qualified professionals. The national leader ordered the establishment of ICT departments at Baku State University, State Oil Academy, Azerbaijan Technical University, State Economic University, Sumgayit State University, Lankaran State University, and Nakhchivan State University.
The national leader also placed particular emphasis on development of the internet, telecommunications, postal services, and the parliament.
Q: What about the continuation of national leader Heydar Aliyev`s policy?
A: All spheres of life are developing in the country at a rapid pace. The government has done considerable work to develop the communication and information technologies sector. President Ilham Aliyev declared 2013 the Year of ICT in Azerbaijan. And the launch of the first ever communications satellite is a strong signal of this development. On February 8, 2013 Azerbaijan`s satellite Azerspace-1 was successfully launched on board the Ariane-5 rocket from the French company Arianspace from Kourou in French Guiana.
Q: How do you assess the place of ICT sector in the non-oil sector?
A: In the last 10 years the ICT sector has become one of the leading areas of the country`s economy. Some 70 percent of the population of Azerbaijan are internet users. Some 98 percent of the country is covered by digital television. Advanced mobile and internet technologies are applied in Azerbaijan, including 3G, 4G.
The World Economic Forum has recently released the Global Information Technology Report 2014, in which Azerbaijan outclassed countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States.
Azerbaijan jumped 7 spots to 49th in the Networked Readiness Index Rankings in comparison with the previous report that involves a total of 148 countries.
The country topped the Mobile Network Coverage Rate, which means that 100 percent of its total population covered by a mobile network signal.
Azerbaijan also ranked 3rd in Adult Literacy Rate, 45th in the International Internet Bandwidth, 46th in Mobile broadband Internet Subscriptions, and 50th in Accessibility of Digital Content.
Apart from CIS states, Azerbaijan outclassed such countries as China, Brazil, Mexico, Italy, Poland, Slovakia, Montenegro, Turkey, Georgia and Iran.
Q: In 2013 Azerbaijan put its first communications satellite into orbit. We would like you to highlight the continuation of the process.
A: Putting Azerbaijan`s first ever communications satellite into orbit has been a very significant and historical day of 2013.
This is really a historical day and great achievement, a great victory of our state. This event proved that the independent Azerbaijani state is developing rapidly and thoroughly, and now we are a member of the space club," says the head of state.
The launch of the satellite to the orbit was possible also thanks to the international cooperation. The work to launch the satellite began five years ago. In 2009, a relevant State Program was endorsed. In 2010, Azerkosmos Joint-Stock Company was established and Azerbaijan already became a member of the space club.
Azerbaijan is now actively working on launching new satellites in the future. Two more satellites will be put into orbit in 2015 and 2016, and Azerbaijan will get new beautiful opportunities to develop the space industry.
Q: What are major tasks related to ICT stipulated in the “Azerbaijan 2020: Look into the Future” Development Concept?
A: The ensuring of transition to an information society, the establishment of an
economy based on knowledge with the development of ICT, the expansion of the use ofICT in state and local government bodies, the development of electronic services, thedevelopment of the activities of the National Centre for Electronic Security, fully meetingsociety’s demand for information products and services and the strengthening ofcompetitive and export-oriented ICT potential are priority tasks within the framework of the Concept.
Appropriate measures will be taken to develop the space industry, and Azerbaijan
will join the group of countries that have their own artificial satellites. The use of newtechnologies in the telecommunications network and the package satellite transmission of national radio and TV programmes will be arranged.
With the implementation of the Trans-Eurasian Information Super Highway project,it is planned to eliminate the digital difference between regional countries, provide access to cheap and high quality broadband Internet through the creation of a strong and sustainable information infrastructure, develop the e-commerce and e-market system, develop legislation in order to protect and ensure the security of participants in ecommerce deals, and speed up the country’s integration into global information space.
Measures related to the formation of an electronic government stipulate the consistent and staged use of modern information-communication technologies, the implementation of safe information exchange within a single infrastructure, the provision of e-services in functional tasks, the ensuring of existing information security, the training of skilled users and specialists and activities in other important spheres.