Successes achieved by Azerbaijan under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev mean the triumph of Heydar Aliyev ideas

Q: How can you characterize Azerbaijan`s development in the era of Heydar Aliyev?
A: After restoration of independence in 1991, the Republic of Azerbaijan began to realize its sovereign rights in economic field and to implement independent policy. The main directions of this policy are organization of the economic system based on different types of property, transition to market economy and integration into the global economy.
National leader Heydar Aliyev's return to the government in 1993 by the will and request of the people laid the foundation for the dramatic changes in the political and economic life of Azerbaijan.Generations change but the Heydar Aliyev phenomenon earned a status of eternity. Heydar Aliyev played a crucial role in Azerbaijan`s modern independence history. The Heydar Aliyev era means a new era and a new history for Azerbaijan.The people do not forget Heydar Aliyev because he is associated with all positive changed that have taken place in their lives. Middle and old generations well remember Heydar Aliyev`s tireless work to improve the quality of their lives in the 70s-80s of the last century.
The National leader served interests of people, state, society and its members, worked for integrity of the people of Azerbaijan, Azerbaijani land and state and did every job to improve and expand democracy and independence. We must admit that realization of ideas of the Azerbaijani state is linked to national leader Heydar Aliyev. Heydar Aliyev’s ingenious personality owns an exclusive place in the history of Azerbaijani statehood. As a bright carrier of the ideology of Azerbaijanism, Heydar Aliyev, due to his wise policies, unwavering convictions and historical vision, succeeded in materializing the idea of national statehood, building a modern Azerbaijani state and realizing the independence dreams of our people.
We are very happy that the national leader`s ideas are continued by our President Ilham Aliyev. As a result of the Head of State`s tireless work Azerbaijan became one of the most rapidly developing countries in the world. Time shows that there is no alternative to Heydar Aliyev policy, and that the people of Azerbaijan were right to support Ilham Aliyev.
As a result of multi-sided and balanced policy pursued under President Ilham Aliyev, Azerbaijan has become the most powerful country in the region. World powers and international organizations call Azerbaijan the guarantor of security and source of development in the South Caucasus.
Azerbaijan is one of the major energy suppliers of Europe. No project can be realized in the region without Azerbaijan`s involvement. And this is a strong signal of importance attached to Azerbaijan by world powers. Azerbaijan is regarded important partner by all countries. Azerbaijan is the major guarantor of peace and security in the South Caucasus region. So led by President Ilham Aliyev, Azerbaijan is cementing its position in the system of international relations.
Q: Azerbaijan ranks 38th among 148countries in the World Economic Forum`s Global Competitiveness Report. This demonstrates the growth of the country`s economy…
A: The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev successfully and confidently continued and made it rapid and sustainable progress, development strategy determined and led to bright future of the citizens by national leader Heydar Aliyev, and made it rapid and sustainable progress. The last 10 years have been an important period of dynamic socioeconomic development and a stage of democratic and modern state building in Azerbaijan. While relying on strong popular support, we have made great achievements thanks to President Ilham Aliyev`s following the political course of our national leader Heydar Aliyev, who established strong public and political stability and laid the foundation of economic reforms. Numerous state programs outlining both the general direction of the country’s development and the specific work to be done in all areas that have been adopted and successfully implemented. These activities have had an important impact on the socioeconomic development of the country, improved the wellbeing of the population, and facilitated the solution of other problems facing our citizens. The launch of Azerbaijan’s new oil strategy has opened up extensive opportunities for the implementation of all our future plans. The launch of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) oil pipeline in 2006, and the Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum gas pipeline after that, ushered in the renewal and diversification of Caspian hydrocarbon export infrastructure, and secured the direct access of Azerbaijani oil and gas to world markets. These have become landmark events—not only for the past 10 years, but also in the years of Azerbaijan’s independence in general.
Over the last 10 years we have diversified and tripled the range of our economy, created a modern social and economic infrastructure, and secured the dynamic development of the non-oil sector.
As a result of the implementation of important state programs and large-scale infrastructure projects, the appearance of cities, villages, and settlements across the Republic has changed beyond recognition, while the living standards of the population have dramatically improved.
Azerbaijan is currently the leading country in the region from the standpoint of its economic potential. Our economy accounts for more than 80% of the South Caucasus economy.
Azerbaijan launched its first telecommunications satellite into orbit. It was a very significant and historic day, and a major achievement for our country.
Q: The application of advanced technologies lays at the heart of economic development. The UN hails the Azerbaijani government`s attention to the development of ICT sector. What can you say of this?
A: 2014 President Ilham Aliyev signed an order to approve the “National Strategy for Information Society Development in Azerbaijan for 2014-2020s”. The expansion of opportunities for using ICT and communication services, the creation of a reliable security system aimed at developing information and communication technologies, the formation of national standards, as well as the launch of totally digital broadcasting across the country and the halting of analog broadcasting, and the total use of e-government services will be in the centre of attention as one of the main priorities in the formation of Azerbaijan as a modern state.
The ensuring of transition to an information society, the establishment of an economy based on knowledge with the development of ICT, the expansion of the use of ICT in state and local government bodies, the development of electronic services, the development of the activities of the National Centre for Electronic Security, fully meeting society’s demand for information products and services and the strengthening of competitive and export-oriented ICT potential are priority tasks within the framework of the Azerbaijan-202 Outlook for the Future Development Concept.
The Azerbaijani government is actively working to launch new satellites in the future, and we will get it done. In 2015 and 2016 two more satellites will be put into orbit, and Azerbaijan will have wonderful opportunities for developing its space industry.
Development of information and communication technologies will define and ensure our successful future. The information and communication technologies is both a knowledge, intellectual and a business sphere. The launch of the satellite will help Azerbaijan solve financial issues among others, that is, it will be effective from the economic point of view too. Development of information and communication technologies defines development of every country
Q: We would like you highlight the activity of Aztelekom under state programs for the development of the country`s regions…
A: Aztelekom is playing a crucial role in the development of information and communication technologies. We are tirelessly working to improve communication services across the country. Azerbaijan is the first CIS country, where all residential areas were provided with telephone lines and a telephone network was built. And this means the expansion of the use of broadband services in the regions of the country.
It should also be noted that Azerbaijan is preparing to host the inaugural European Games this June. This certainly means additional responsibility for us. Taking into account that the games will be broadcast in more than 100 countries, one can imagine how much responsibility this puts on us. We have already signed agreements with many countries. And this will be a brilliant opportunity for Azerbaijan to promote its truth throughout the world.