In the person of Zarifa Aliyeva we can see the image of an ideal and real Azerbaijani woman

Q: April 28 marks the 91st anniversary of prominent ophthalmologist, academician Zarifa Aliyeva. Many events are being held on the occasion. People pay tribute to Zarifa Aliyeva as a good mother, excellent and modest person...
A: In the person of Zarifa Aliyeva we first and foremost can see the image of an ideal and real Azerbaijani woman. I think that the way she lived her life should be an example to follow for our young women. This is why Zarifa Aliyeva`s personality, her life must be promoted on a greater scale. Truly, for her lifestyle, her attitude to people the way she brought up her children, the way she treated her patients as a doctor, Zarifa Aliyeva must be considered a bright example of a perfect human being.
In general, everyone who knew Zarifa Aliyeva personally and her family can san only good words of her. I would like to share my memories. Huseyn Rasulbayov, who was the minister of communications in 1970s, was a friend of my father. His daughter is the wife of Jamil Aliyev, Zarifa khanim`s brother. So they were relatives. I heard from Huseyn Rasulbayov that despite being the wife of the republic`s leader, Zarifa Aliyeva was very modest. He used to say that when Zarifa khanim was back home from the work, she immediately started to cook and invited all family members to dinner. Zarifa khanim`s brothers Tamerlan and Jamil were also highly intelligent people.
Q: What can you say of Zarifa Aliyeva as a mother?
A: Beside scientific action Zarifa Aliyeva was careful mother, wonderful and faithful wife. They say mother loves her child more than herself and Zarifa Aliyeva was such mother to her children. Our President Ilham Aliyev is a child who was brought up in the family of Zarifa Aliyeva.
At the same time I studied at the higher educational institution with Sevil khanim, another child of Zarifa Aliyeva. We studied in one group for five years. Over these years I discovered so many qualities in Sevil khanim, which were developed in the family and imposed by her mother. She, first and foremost, was a true Azerbaijani woman. Sevil khanim was different, she was very much committed to national and moral values, and had great respect to our national traditions and customs. All this was a result of the family upbringing. For example there was a girl in our group who lost her mother and father. They were two sisters, they were very poor, and did not even had funds to organize the funeral of their father. The guys in the group collected money to help them with the funeral. A couple of days after the funeral Sevil khanim approached her and told her that she was ready to give her any help. This certainly was a result of the family upbringing.
Q: Zarifa Aliyeva made tremendous contribution to developing ophthalmology. What was the contribution of her scientific activities to our society?
A: Looking at the rich and deep philosophy of life, spiritual world of Zarifa Aliyeva and her services in field of development of ophthalmology the one arrives at a conclusion that she was a comprehensive person. Interesting and decent life of Zarifa Aliyeva, an innovator scientist with inborn talent, honest and unique person, is the lesson of life and morality, the school of perfection and wisdom to every citizen of Azerbaijan, every scientist and doctor. Many articles and books have been and will be written about her scientific, medical and pedagogical actions and high moral qualities. The rich scientific heritage of Z.Aliyeva, studies she conducted in different spheres of ophthalmology, her achievements and fundamental works are the bright pages of the medicine of Azerbaijan.
Academician Zarifa Aliyeva implemented multi-profile studies on important problems of ophthalmology. As a selfless doctor she had much trouble in treatment of several eye diseases, putting an end to trachoma in Azerbaijan, carried out valuable researches to study different phases of the disease and find its treatment.
One of directions of the Scholar’s scientific activity was dedicated to ophthalmologic, histomicroscopic and histochemical study of eye. Results of studies the Scientist conducted in this field are in detail commented in her monographs ‘Anatomico-physiological features of hydrodynamic system of eye’ and ‘Age-caused changes in eye and eyesight nerve ways’.
Another direction in the scientific action of Z.Aliyeva was studies she carried out in the clinical diagnostic direction, results of which are included in textbooks and monographs for doctors. Her works such as ‘Heavy virus conjunctivitis’, ‘Keratitis, diseases of vascular section of eye, retina, vision nerve, cataract’, ‘Glaucoma and hypertension of eye’, ‘Injury of vision’, ‘Physiology and histology of tear’, ‘Eye diseases in diabetes’, ‘Microsurgery of eye’, ‘Adaptive and protective function on pupilary edge’ were highly assessed in ophthalmology. The Scientist paid special attention to the study of tear apparatus diseases. Her works such as ‘Physiology of lachrymal passage’, ‘Surgical treatment of lachrymal passage’, ‘Sparing surgery in the treatment of lachrymal passage’ set the base of lacrimology in Azerbaijan.