Heydar Aliyev school, values created by him are a historical reality

Q: What can you say of the role played by national leader Heydar Aliyev in preservation and development of our people`s moral values?
A: After return to power, Heydar Aliyev, due to his political ability could salvage the country from the threat of civil war, socio-political separation, and, embodying in him, in his strong personality the goal and idea of the society, he could unite his native people around common ideology, instill in it the sense of trust in morrow.
During these years, just Heydar Aliyev, as a true leader, could resolutely bring to the notice of world the truth on Azerbaijan. Only after return of Heydar Aliyev to power, Azerbaijan could realize its geopolitical opportunities. Due to the political talent of Heydar Aliyev, the threat of isolation of Azerbaijan from the world community was overcome.
Head of Azerbaijan always distinguished with his word, authority, and influence from the standpoint of impact on the processes proceeding on the world political arena. Inexhaustible energy of Heydar Aliyev, deserving nationwide love, inspired the people for new successes.
hanks to the bright political talent of Heydar Aliyev - one of the historical personalities of Azerbaijan that in the junction of the two centuries and two Millenniums, preserving its national-moral values, confidently stepped down the Third Millennium. Having overcome all the obstacles, and despite the difficulties, the talent of Heydar Aliyev helped Azerbaijan to survive in upheavals of the extremely complicated time and hold a worthy place both in the region and in the whole world.
Heydar Aliyev, as one of the unique statesmen of our people, along his complicated life always thought on the people and Motherland. His heart beat in the name of strengthening of the independence of Azerbaijan, for happiness of his nation. As the head of state, Heydar Aliyev, in the most complicated time for Azerbaijan showed unprecedented selflessness in the name of its salvation, could save his country from misfortunes.
Due to a number of unique nature-gifted features, Heydar Aliyev, as a farseeing personality, could foresee course of the historical events, demonstrated a truly patriotic position while adopting decisions with extreme significance for the national history, could undertake resolute actions. The resoluteness, peculiar to his personality, often found its reflection in the ideas, extemporized during his appearances before the audience. Reports and speeches of Heydar Aliyev, which, being founded on iron logic, had extraordinary impact, are bright expression of the depth and width of his philosophical and political vision.
Socially-oriented economic policy and flexible reforms carried out by President Ilham Aliyev have laid the foundations of successful implementation of the social state model in Azerbaijan. As a result social security system in Azerbaijan was remodeled on the basis of international standards.
Modern state model founded by national leader Heydar Aliyev is today being successfully continued by President Ilham Aliyev.
I would also like to stress the importance of efforts of first lady, president of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation Mehriban Aliyeva in preserving and promoting natural and moral values of the Azerbaijani people.
Q: National leader Heydar Aliyev laid the foundation of Azerbaijan`s independence back in the Soviet era…
A: Path of Azerbaijan leading to construction of an independent state, in essence, started since 1969 - after his coming to power. In this sense, the brightest pages of Azerbaijanism were written just in these years. In the frame of the then ideology, Heydar Aliyev could - let it be even in the form not contradicting the existing system - not only prevent full oppression of the national spirit of Azerbaijan, on the contrary, make maximum use of the opportunities on the way of his raise.
In this sense, the next period of coming by Heydar Aliyev to leadership of the Republic is perceived as start of the national self-consciousness, return to the origins. The major ideological-political trend of the philosophy of Heydar Aliyev management, history of which just begins from this period, contains large extent of all forms and means of the national self-expression of the people, strengthening sense of national pride and realization of quick strategy pf development, able to raise the national conscience. Since the beginning of his leadership in the Republic, it became a tradition to regularly celebrate the jubilees of the prominent personalities of Azerbaijan, that created foundation to raise national spirit, national self-conscience, closely connected with the nationwide problems of the Azerbaijani people, returning to the people its historical memory, realization of the idea of independent statehood.
The work carried out by Heydar Aliyev while leading Azerbaijan in 1969-82 released national self-consciousness from the fetters of previous ideological system and ensured boundless rising of national sprit on the base of such fundamental principles as giving historical memory back to the people, and created favorable conditions for the idea of national statehood our people had been maturing for many years to turn into the great driving force.
Today's state sovereignty and economic independence of Azerbaijan, the process of widening of its foreign economic links and deeper integration into the global economy are based on the potential whose foundation was laid by Heydar Aliyev as early as 1970-1980s.
Drawing attention in Heydar Aliyev's strategic program of statehood is the following feature regarding the ideology of Azerbaijanism: moral, artistic and esthetic revival were realized here within the single flow combined with progress achieved in economy, industry and construction, as well as improvement of the people's living standard and mass enthusiasm.
Q: The national leader devoted his whole life to his people. Many specialists were prepared in Azerbaijan thanks to the national leader`s attention to education…
A: Coming to power in Azerbaijan, which because of being attributed to one of the USSR's provinces, was in late 60s behind others in all spheres of social and economic life, the republic where negative trends had taken deep roots, and where latent competition for power gradually intensifying had taken bad shape undermining national and spiritual unity of the people, the new leader first prevented collapse of economic potential of the republic, possibility of negative impact of the recession in social and political life upon moral and psychological state of the people.
As cosmopolitan atmosphere prevailed in the Republic then, not only no serious steps were taken to train national personnel, develop and use national language, staff officials of Azerbaijani origin, on the contrary, such initiatives were resolutely suppressed putting obstacles to growing personnel having national consciousness and mentality.
One of the Heydar Aliyev's far-seeing steps was his initiative to send young Azerbaijani people to study in prestigious higher educational establishments of the former Soviet Union for them to acquire knowledge and specialties necessary for the future independent country. With rising scientific and human potential in Azerbaijan, the realization of the national and spiritual values of our people became a reality.
One of the factors conditioned revival of Azerbaijan under the leadership of Heydar Aliyev in 1969-1982 was particular attention paid to development of education in the republic giving preference to youth's education in native language.
In addition, to expand international ties of Azerbaijan in scientific and technical, economic and cultural sphere, various related events used to be arranged on a Union and international scale, while in former Soviet republics used to be organized Days of Azerbaijan's culture and arts. All this created a solid foundation for establishment of links between Azerbaijan and foreign countries and Azerbaijanis living there, and ensured self-consciousness of the Azerbaijanis as a nation having its own historical and cultural traditions.