The New Azerbaijan Party is resolutely moving forward towards municipal elections

Q: Mr. Novruzov, as we know on December 23 the country will hold municipal elections. The New Azerbaijan Party is seriously preparing to the elections. How important are these elections?
A: Taking into consideration that municipalities play a crucial role in the development of local democracy, these elections are of particular importance. Because, first of all, effective activities of municipalities are significant in terms of improvement of governance. Azerbaijan is committed to continuing political, legal and economic reforms. All measures taken by the government serve to ensure sustainable development of the country. At the same time Azerbaijan is a constitutional state, and a democratic electoral system exists in our country. There is a perfect electoral legislation in Azerbaijan, and it completely meets international standards.
In general, being the most powerful political force in the country, the New Azerbaijan Party has won all elections so far. As far as the forthcoming municipal elections are concerned, the party is taking all necessary preparatory measures. The Board of Directors of the party approved a relevant plan of action in this regard. Our party has great experience in this area.
Q: What is the New Azerbaijan Party concretely doing ahead of the elections?
A: As I said the New Azerbaijan Party is seriously preparing to the elections. The Central Election Headquarters of the party is actively working on this front. Active members of the party were mobilized to ensure high-level preparation for the elections. The Central Election Headquarters maintains close cooperation with city and regional organizations, and is keeping a close eye on the elections.
We have already carried out signature collecting campaigns, and all documents of representatives of the New Azerbaijan Party were sent to constituencies. The New Azerbaijan Party always seriously prepares for elections. We use advanced technologies, and the election practice is being constantly improved. To this end, representatives of our party visit foreign countries where they monitor elections, study their experience of applying information technologies, and attend relevant trainings and courses. Our representatives participate in elections in some countries as observers. For example, we send our delegates to Turkey, European and CIS countries.
As far as preparations for the municipal elections are concerned, YAP first created its electoral headquarters in cities and districts. We also attach particular importance to involving youth, women and activists in these processes. We established electoral headquarters in 84 districts and cities. We also carried out trainings for our representatives,
The Board of Directors of the partyappointed its plenipotentiary representatives for the municipal elections. The party has a total of 204 plenipotentiary representatives, with two representatives being responsible for each constituency.
Q: How is the party preparing for the municipal election campaign?
A: Under the existing law, elections campaign will start 23 days before the election. So the campaign kicks off on December 1. We are preparing for this campaign. We have published placards of our candidates. In all 1607 municipalities we will install common placards of the New Azerbaijan Party. In addition we published separate booklets promoting our candidates.
On December 1 our activists will hang placards in municipalities and distribute them among people. We will organize public meetings ahead of the elections. We will also have special groups of plenipotentiary representatives, and also activists groups that will work in cities and districts. Election campaign will run until December 22.
Q: Several municipal elections have been held in our country. What changes did occur in the activities of municipalities since the last election?
A: As you know municipal elections were held in Azerbaijan in 1999, 2004 and 2009. The last election was remarkable because it saw a sharp increase in the number of youth and women who were elected municipality heads. Women and youth are today highly represented in municipalities. The last municipal elections also saw growth in the number of specialists and highly-educated people elected to municipalities. And our party will use this experience in the forthcoming municipal elections.
Q: Radical opposition parties are not participating in municipal elections, and do not carry out election campaigns. What do you think of it?
A: It is explained by two reasons. Municipal election is a great event. More than 15,000 people must be nominated at these elections. These should be well-known people, who collected a certain number of signatures. But radical opposition does not have this social base, this potential and electorate. So they just try to discredit these elections.
The second reason is that there is serious controversy within opposition parties. There is tension in both Musavat and Popular Front parties. These parties are on the verge of a split.
Popular Front serves interests of foreign forces, including the Armenian lobby. It is carrying out an anti-Azerbaijani activity. These parties cannot solve their internal problems, so their participation in the elections is impossible.